Also contributing to the high
scores are such construction attributes as a watertight collision
bulkhead, once the specialty of the Amel line of French ocean cruisers
and builder of BOC and Vendee-Globe Challenge boats. The reinforced and
watertight bulkhead is installed just aft of the forefoot between the
bottom and the underside of the deck to contain seawater in the area
should the boat be holed in the bow. The space forward of the collision
bulkhead contains the holding tank. Playing devil’s advocate, if Caliber wanted a more effective collision bulkhead, they’d reposition it farther aft-say, at the bulkhead between the salon and the forward stateroom, which would account for holes that could be punched in the sides, forward, by a container. Then, Amel-style, they should add a heavily gasketed door, for access forward, with positive locking and sealing device. But, again, any collision bulkhead is a lot better than no such device, and Caliber is one-up on many builders for its presence on their boats. Similarly, Caliber’s waterline-high "rudder-post dam" is designed to contain seawater in the event of damage to, or failure of, the rudder stuffing box. This is a clever idea that makes a lot of sense so long as the leak can be flagged early and the repair made quickly. Toward this end, rigging a bulge pump inside the dam to an alarm or light will give early notice of a leak at the rudder-post bushing.
Average ratings for hull
construction and hull-deck joint are a relatively lofty 8.7, again due
in part to 40LRC owners’ knowledge and appreciation of the "Quad-Seal
Deck to Hull System" hull-deck joint. Caliber takes four steps to join
and seal the deck to the hull--3M 5200 in the hull-deck flange;
co-polymer tape around the inside perimeter of the flange; 5200 under
the slotted aluminum toerail, which is also thru-bolted; 5200 between
hull-deck seam and rubrail, which protects the hull-deck joint. An
average score just under 9 for "dry below decks" bears out the success
of this joint. Deck construction-fiberglass over marine plywood, which
doesn’t fail under compression-received a high score of 8.9. |